Inspired by Color

Quests involving stitching or design work.
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Discord: Sirithre


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Design Quest Inspired by Color


Post by Sirithre »

It's been a long day. You managed to put together a quick cross stitch with the limited materials given to you, and the steward even looked impressed with your work! It's hard to believe it was that easy to get accepted into the guild, but here you are.

It was getting pretty late by the time you finished your makeshift entrance exam. Luckily the Guild was prepared to assign you a room this very day rather than having to stay at one of the local inns, though you recall them stating amusedly that the spare rooms were filling up fast this season.

The room you've been given is fairly barren, not much more than a simple bed, desk, and a comfortable looking sitting chair. It is however clean, a fact you're surprisingly excited by after the long trip to Stitchwind.

You settle into bed to try and get a good night's rest before whatever tasks the Guild will no doubt throw at you tomorrow. But you're far too excited to sleep. It feels like the thoughts are just spinning in your head.

The size of the library you'd explored earlier. The woman who had assisted you without even introducing herself. The other new recruits who seemed just as puzzled by the unceremonious entry task. The inspiring books you had leafed through whilst trying to get your stitch done before the day's end.

Your mind just can't seem to quiet down enough to sleep. Despite everything else running through your mind though, one thing keeps pushing its way through. Colors.

While looking through the books earlier you'd come across a color palette that you simply couldn't get out of your thoughts. You weren't able to find all the colors in the box to use it for your first quest, but you knew you had to make -something- with it.

Knowing full well you won't be able to sleep any time soon, you get back up and leaf through your bag for your trusty notebook and start designing.

Continue the Story

Your Quest
First of all, this quest does not require any stitching! Only design work! (Though you can choose to stitch it too, of course)

Your task this month is to design a small pattern based on one of the color palettes submitted in the side quest Color Theory. Check out the Color Theory quest to find all the palettes! Not finding one that inspires you? Complete the quest yourself or wait a bit for more submissions to come in. :mrgreen:

Please also keep in mind these are public on the site and considered free for anyone to stitch.

We know you're going to have a lot of questions, so we'll try to answer them in advance.
  • Use one of the color palettes from the Color Theory quest! It doesn't have to be your palette submission. If someone else's inspired you, or made you think of something in particular. That's okay! Just be sure to tell use whose it was! If necessary, you can add basic colors like Black/White.
  • The design doesn't have to be of whatever the colors were inspired by. Just because a set of colors are based off a Pokémon, doesn't mean you can't use them to create a field of flowers, or a rocket ship, or whatever those colors make you think of.
  • If a color is unknown or in a brand you don't have access to, feel free to substitute a similar color in your preferred brand.
  • 'Small' means different things to everyone. If you just want a 20x20 design, that's fine. If you think 100x100 is small, (Like a text design with a lot of blank areas) that's cool too. If you're having trouble designing in a small space, scale it up a bit. Basically, by 'small' we mean something you could potentially stitch up in a reasonable time frame if it came up in a quest. (Hint, hint)
  • As to how you create your pattern, that's up to you. You could use a program like WinStitch or PCStitch. They have free trials, too. You could use a pixel art program instead and just zoom in a bit and apply a grid. You could use a free online tool like StitchFiddle. You could doodle it on graph paper and scribble it in with colored pencils.
  • For safety, your pattern should be submitted as an image file, or a photo of the notebook you drew it in. To be uploaded to the site and will be considered free for others to use. If you need help with figuring out how to export your pattern, please ask! If you're using a free trial of a program and can't export; a screenshot that includes the design and color palette will suffice!
Disclaimer: If you don't feel like you're an 'artist' THAT'S OKAY. Noone is here to judge your artistic skill. You're learning. This is an exercise. It doesn't have to be perfect. Feel free to also ask your guildmates for tips, feedback, help with formatting, etc. We're all in this artistic journey together!

If you know of other good resources, share them! You are not in any way required to BUY software for this quest! There are plenty of free options, and most paid software has free trials.
Pixel Art Tutorials! Cross stitch is basically pixel art. And there are a LOT of pixel art tutorials out there. So look around and see what you can find. Share any that really helped you with the group.
Turn In
All done? Reply here with your pattern image. Be sure to mention whose palette you used! Whether it was your own, or someone else's.

If you did this quest back in February 2020 on the discord feel free to re-submit the piece you did then, design a new one, or both!

MQ_D_InspiredByColor.png (3.31 KiB) Viewed 1433 times
Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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LVL 10
Posts: 132
Discord: Sirithre


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Re: Inspired by Color


Post by Sirithre »

Example! Back when this quest was first posted on the discord, I put together this swirly peacock design based on the color palette submitted by AzureKoi.
Sirithre_Design_InspiredByColor.jpg (110.1 KiB) Viewed 1432 times
Feel free to stitch it as is if you like it, or swap out the colors as desired!
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