The Woodlands Description

A small woodland nestled right into the otherwise bustling street sheltering a lively clearing full of bardic music and gentle comradery
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Posts: 36
Discord: Alannah#0636


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Post by Alannahold »

Agility Guild Hall
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From the outside, the guild almost looks like a city park, but the trees are too dense and the flowers too lively. A small woodland nestled right into the otherwise bustling street. If you begin to walk between the trees, you begin to see a rhythm, and realize there is a path there, worn into the woods by countless gentle footsteps. Suddenly, a clearing opens, and you see a large building surrounded by flowers. A line of archery targets is lined along the far edge of the clearing, and various benches and swings surround a large fire pit. The sound of music fills the air as two bards collaborate on a project.
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As your eyes adjust to the light, you see that in every bench, on every visible tree limb, on the roof of the building itself, stitchers are lounging, chatting, stitching. Cloaked rogues and elaborately dressed bards and druids with flowers in their hair and rangers with their quivers leaned against them. There's only one chair open. It's there for you.
If you know where to look ladders and lifts are hidden away amongst the trees leading to something further up in the trees
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