Something Special

Quests involving stitching or design work.
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Discord: Sirithre


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Stitching Quest Something Special


Post by Sirithre »

You’re sitting in your guild common area, staring despondently at your current WIPS, none of them feel quite right. Honestly after all the excitement and build-up of the dragon hunt you feel a bit lost now. One of your guild mates notices you and strikes up a conversation, you explain your problem and they get a thoughtful look on their face.

After a moment they break into a grin, “I know exactly what you need. You got some of those neat musical beads from Agility festival didn’t you? You should use them. Ohhh or that shiny thread I saw you bring back after the magic festival.”

You dither, unsure what you’d even use them for.

Your new friend grins brighter, “Come on, seize the moment, todays the day, don’t save it like an RPG potion, Treat Yo Self!”

You laugh, feeling better already and staring to get some ideas, this seems like just the thing to get you out of your flunk.

Your Quest
It’s that time. I know you’ve been hoarding some specialty thread or a particularly pretty fabric that you’re waiting for that “magical” perfect project to finally use it.

Well, time’s up! Now’s the time! Pull out that variegated thread. That spool of kreinik. That extra sparkly thread that you’ve been putting off using because it’s too pretty and you ‘don’t want to ruin it’. And figure out what you’re gonna make with it. You don’t have to *finish* a project, just use up some of that stash you've been hoarding.

Metallics, Etoile, Variegated, Glow in the dark thread or a really pretty home dyed. A different type or colour of fabric, a cool pattern, shiny beads? Anything and everything can work with this quest.

Turn In
All done? Reply here with a photo of your project. Let us know what your special something was and how you found using it, and don't forget to link your pattern source!

If you did this quest back in May 2021 on the discord feel free to re-submit the piece you did then, stitch a new one, or both!

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Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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Discord: Sirithre


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Re: Something Special


Post by Sirithre »

Example! I originally stitched this in 2021 as part of this quest when the RPG was still done mostly on the discord server.
DSC_2334.JPG (343.16 KiB) Viewed 4033 times
I went all out on this!
Using this light purple aida I'd been trying to figure out what to stitch on it. Used Diamant (gold) for the first time; Finally finding a use for the kreinik 095 (rainbow). Breaking in the Cosmo Seasons 9001 that's been in my collection for 4+ years. And unsealing that vial of iridescent beads that has been in my stash for at least 8. And some star beads (top and bottom) for the centre. Everything else I'd used before, albeit sparingly. But is still all definitely specialty thread. :sparkles:

Pattern by @Rainy can be found on the discord in #free-patterns ; though I replaced literally every color. :mrgreen:
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Re: Something Special


Post by Lumidrell »

Snapchat-200916965.jpg (1.35 MiB) Viewed 3993 times
Noped the Fallopes by TheKosherStitcher

Kreinik made a post on insta about their opalescent Cotton Candy thread and I knew I had to have it. It sat unused until I decided it would look great for a photo prop for a big milestone of mine (just got home from it as I'm typing this!). I ran out of it with 2 and a half letters left so I had to frantically source more with 1 day to spare and whatever deity might be out there was looking out for me because my only LNS had one in stock.
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Re: Something Special


Post by Sirithre »

Lumidrell wrote: 26 Oct 2023 11:50 Kreinik made a post on insta about their opalescent Cotton Candy thread and I knew I had to have it. It sat unused until I decided it would look great for a photo prop for a big milestone of mine (just got home from it as I'm typing this!). I ran out of it with 2 and a half letters left so I had to frantically source more with 1 day to spare and whatever deity might be out there was looking out for me because my only LNS had one in stock.
Oh wow, what a special project! And that cotton candy is PERFECT.
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