Petite Patterns

Quests involving researching, organization, or other tasks.
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Research Quest Petite Patterns


Post by Sirithre »

With the Magic Festival in full swing, you are amazed with just how much the Magic Guild has put on display. You have continued your lessons with the Guild Leader Siri. The magic you have learned through blackwork has been surprising.

As the Festival has continued, you begin to notice subtle changes. Hints of green can be seen coming in with the city’s supplies. Platforms being built along some of the roof tops. Instrument shops absolutely packed full of bards. You smile to yourself as you piece together what’s likely coming next month.

You wander the city, looking out for any other changes, when you come across a curious sight. A fox sits in front of a pole, but not just any fox. This one has a small pack on its back and a can hanging by its side. As you watch, it takes a brush from its pack and dips it into the can before spreading a paste on the pole. Next comes a flyer from the pack and the fox carefully affixes it to the pole, making sure it sticks completely. Seemingly satisfied with its work, the fox nods.

As if sensing your presence, the fox looks over and spots you with a pair of brilliant blue eyes. You swear you see a mischievous grin and a wink from the fox before it bounds off and disappears from view.

Curious, you step over to the sign and read:

‘Attention Stitchwind! The Agility Guild is looking to expand our collection of small patterns...for reasons. All types wanted and welcome. Thank you!’

You think for a moment and know of at least one small pattern you can contribute. You head off back to your home, eager to collect up the pattern and help with the growing collection.

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Your Quest
Rumors abound of the Agility guild's festival next month and you want to be prepared.

Your goal is to find a small pattern you can practice with. Like, super small. Finish-in-an-hour-or-less small. 15x15 small (Or 16x16... looking at you Stardew crops). Or maybe around 200 stitches. At the very least, something you can easily finish in a single sitting.

Ideally not full coverage, and something with at least a couple of color changes.

It could be a whole pattern or you could just single out a specific part of a larger pattern. Something you might potentially want to stitch multiple times. :wink: You could also choose to make your own design if you'd like!

Remember, side quests do NOT need to be stitched. But these would make great patterns to use for the Speedy Stitching, Topsy Turvy, or Color Swap main quests.

We can't really give you a bunch of resources for this without just giving you a list of patterns to pick from.
But to help, we've included a few FREE patterns to give you an idea of the size of patterns you should be looking for:

MiniStitches Birds
xstitchhappy Scissor Fob
Pokemon Badges
Crossaholic keys
(This last one is the very rare instance where the actual creator doesn't have a site and uploads directly to Pinterest.)

Turn In
All done? Reply here with a link to your chosen pattern and why you chose it. This should be directly to the designer's shop or website, not a Pinterest link or uploaded pattern. Patterns can be free or paid.

If you did this quest back in September 2020 on the discord feel free to re-submit the link you found then, a new one, or both!

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Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by Sirithre »

Example! I ended up tackling some Ansitru designs for the Speedy Stitching quest. So my tiny patterns be PIES. ... ie-sampler

She's got a ton of cute smalls like these, including Berries, Matcha items, Donuts, Sushi, Coffee, and more! Definitely check out her shop!
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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by Lumidrell »

Magic the Gathering Card Minis by Craftigurumi

I wanted to make something for my friend and his MtG group and these would make perfect lil badges.
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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by adzpark »

This feels almost like cheating because this is a Sirithre pattern but I was genuinely SO excited to find these Hades Boons patterns to work on. I am a huge Hades fan (have two giant Hades tattoos lol)! Also love that variegated threads are recommended cos I have been itching to break into them.

Other "smaller" projects (but perhaps not too petite) I am eyeing that could be done in one sitting:
- One of the Mini Masterpieces
- Doing just one of these Star Wars lego characters
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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by Sirithre »

adzpark wrote: 18 Sep 2023 09:22 This feels almost like cheating because this is a Sirithre pattern but I was genuinely SO excited to find these Hades Boons patterns to work on. I am a huge Hades fan (have two giant Hades tattoos lol)! Also love that variegated threads are recommended cos I have been itching to break into them.

Other "smaller" projects (but perhaps not too petite) I am eyeing that could be done in one sitting:
- One of the Mini Masterpieces
- Doing just one of these Star Wars lego characters
Nah, not cheating xD
But it's good to have an excuse to play with variegated thread!
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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by Alannahold »

I absolutely love Highland Murr Stitches mini blackwork patterns on their FB page. They started them as something people could do as quick ornaments or presents near xmas time a few years ago and they’re amazing. I’m fairly sure they’re still making new ones occasionally but I haven’t checked in a while, even if they aren’t I think they’re well into the hundreds, there’s little animals, memes, mystical creatures and plenty of other random things.
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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by Mogrann »

I found the pattern I liked and when I finish my blackwork project will be starting with this one.

Not sure yet who it will be made for but love the project.

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Re: Petite Patterns


Post by Skwishee »

I found it tricky to find a tiny pattern... I then saw pokeball patterns that I liked, so I made my own based off this gridded dive ball someone made to use in their Minecraft game!

Credit: ... -437664837
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Tonnau Arvodir - Circle of Beasts Enthusiast
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