Artist Studies - Ink Circles

Quests involving stitching or design work.
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Discord: Sirithre


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Artist Study Artist Studies - Ink Circles


Post by Sirithre »

A hot and humid summer has settled over Stitchwind. Despite the heat, the city was in good spirits after the aid provided by the Guilds.

You hear about several areas around the city that had been set up by the Magic Guild to provide the citizens a relief from the heat. Wiping the sweat from your brow, you decide to find one.

After just a short walk, you are grateful to see one of the areas come into view. If you hadn’t known better, you would think it was something malicious. A whole open square of the city is full of an eerie looking mist. Your trained eyes catch the frosty runes that kept the area in a chilly enchantment.

You step through the mist and are instantly cooled off. You sigh in relief, happy to be out of the heat. You look around to find that you aren’t the only one who had the idea to escape from the heat. A number of citizens of Stitchwind mill about the area, some merchants sit along one side, hawking their wares to anyone who would listen.

Right in the middle, a number of tables had been set up. Among those sitting there, you see a number of friendly faces and join them. Some sit chit chatting, some stitching away, passing the time away.

‘Ah, another joins to escape the heat,’ says one of your Guild mates. ‘With so many of us here, we should do something together.’

At the mere question of something to do, one of the Melee Guild members starts to dig through her bag. You and the others watch in curiosity, wondering what was about to be suggested.

She smiles at all of you as she pulls a book out. “We could do an artist study,” she says as she opens the book and lays it before everyone to see. Each page is filled with beautiful patterns. You catch a name at the top of a page.

‘Ink Circles,’ it reads.

You had heard of these patterns before and now that you’ve really looked at the patterns, you are eager to start stitching.
Story next

Your Quest
It's time once again to learn about a specific artist's style of pattern design.

This month, we'll be visiting Ink Circles and stitching up something from their extensive library.

As before, the idea is to focus on the style and how the stitches work together to form the design.

Ink Circles designs focus heavily on geometric shapes and mirroring to achieve their recognizable patterns, but what more can you tell us about how they achieve this unique look?

As before, these designs will not fit everyone's style. And that's okay -- make it as a gift for a friend or family member. Or save it as a bonus in your next swap! But you can still learn from the style and tell us what, -exactly- doesn't appeal to you. ;)

They've got a ton of freebies, but you're welcome to purchase a chart or pull one out of your stash to work on if you have it. They've got plenty of small designs if you don't have a lot of time this month. You do not have to FINISH the design, so it's okay to start a larger chart too if that's what speaks to you!

You also don't have to use the colors they call for! Many of their designs are geometric in nature and can be easily color swapped.

Free Patterns: Ink Circles Freebies
The small page length is a bit misleading as there a ton of smalls under the "2006 and 2007 complimentary charts" So be sure to check those, as there's a dozen patterns under each!

Paid Patterns:

Other Resources:
Your guildmates! Feel free to post WIPs in your guild boards, town center, or discord and discuss your pieces and what you're learning along the way.

Turn In
All done? Reply here with a photo of your finished piece, and a sentence or two about what you learned about their style. When possible, please include a direct link to the pattern you used in case someone else would like to stitch it!

If you did this quest back in August 2020 on the discord feel free to re-submit the piece you did then, stitch a new one, or both!

MQ_AS_InkCircles.png (3.34 KiB) Viewed 1382 times
Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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LVL 10
Posts: 132
Discord: Sirithre


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Re: Artist Studies - Ink Circles


Post by Sirithre »

Example! I originally stitched this in 2020 as part of this Artist Studies quest when the RPG was still done mostly on the discord server.
Image1.png (2.64 MiB) Viewed 1384 times
So I decided I'd take this opportunity to finish a WIP I started... idk when, probably around 2012. I've always been fascinated by celtic knots and how they weave around itself, and had started the 2007 September knot from the Freebies Page.

I had only gotten the border done back then, so I did the knotwork and assembly this month. I found it entertaining to use a variegated thread and just follow the knotwork path rather than doing a section at a time. :) Turns out past me miscounted the border. So it wasn't even square! I had to kinda flub it when it came to centering and assembly, but I think it turned out fine!
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