KonMari Challenge

Quests involving researching, organization, or other tasks.
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Discord: Sirithre


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Upkeep Quest KonMari Challenge


Post by Sirithre »

With the fabrics of Stitchwind returned and the dragon released, you return home to those familiar cobblestone streets. You and representatives from the other guilds meet to discuss the unexpected turn of events. It does not take long to reach a consensus. An offering will be made to the dragon – a gift. Each guild will select one item from its stash of fabrics and threads. These items will be presented to the dragon as an offering of peace. This will become an annual tradition to show respect and appreciation to the dragon.

Your Quest
This time, our side quest is based on Marie Kondo’s philosophy of tidying up. Is your stash out of control? Know somebody who could use something in their own stash? This is an opportunity to pick out those items that have been sitting around for far too long and find a new home for them. Whether that means finally using them for a project, gifting them to a friend, donating them, or throwing away small scraps you have no idea why you kept… it’s up to you!

This could be fabric, paper patterns, needle minders, extra needles, dull scissors, or even just admitting to yourself that you'll never get to some of those digital patterns you've purchased in the past.

Once you have decided what and how to destash that item (or items), take a picture of what you decided to destash and share it with us! Feel free to share why you decided to destash it, and what you’re planning to do with it.

Don't have anything to destash? Tell us your secret. :biggrin:
Or, research some resources that might be useful for others looking to destash, such as finding an organization that accepts craft supply donations for reuse or recycling.

How to Destash Your Fabric Sustainably

Turn In
All done? Reply here with your

If you did this quest back in March 2021 on the discord feel free to re-submit what you did then, destash new things, or both!

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Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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Re: KonMari Challenge


Post by Lumidrell »

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I had a bunch of extra threads and some tie-dyed aida (and other aida pieces) I didn't know what to do with but my friend's sister wants to take them off my hands.
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Re: KonMari Challenge


Post by Mogrann »

I just destashed my pattern books and then the next day I was at a Thrift Store and got so many new patterns I liked. At 3.00 for hardcover and 1.00 for softcover it was a deal. I basically got them if I found one pattern I liked in each book.

The books I no longer wanted my mother takes them to her church and the ladies there go through them and take what they like.

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