Specialty Study

Quests involving researching, organization, or other tasks.
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Research Quest Specialty Study


Post by Sirithre »

The Agility Festival has been a whirlwind of activity, yet every moment fun. You are proud of your guild mates and yourself with all that you have learned from the Agility Guild.

You wake up early one morning, excited to see what the day would bring. As you leave your room and cross the Guild hall, you notice something new pinned to the Guild’s message board. You drew nearer and recognize the bright red seal of Melee Guild across the top of the parchment. You step up beside a fellow guild mate and start to read:

‘Attention Guilds of Stitchwind! It is training season once more and we want to ensure that everyone is up for the challenge. No one can be certain of what you might face on an adventure or even in your stitching. It’s time to brush up on some specialty stitches to help you along the way. Make sure your Hardanger, lazy daisies, and rhodes stitches are all up to par. Along with any other specialty stitches you’ve heard about along the way.’

At the bottom of the page you spot the signatures of both the Melee Guild leaders.

‘What the heck is a hardanger stitch?’ You hear your guild mate mutter.

You offer them a shrug, glad that you’re not the only one unaware. You make a note of the stitches mentioned then head out for the day.

As with the Magic Festival before, you spot signs that the Agility Festival too is winding down. The agility courses have begun being disassembled, along with a number of other attractions. Bards still dot the streets, but not as many as the first week of festivities.

Here and there you spot bits of red, preparation for the Melee Festival no doubt on the horizon. You’re happy to see that the speed stitching area is still lively, as people continue to challenge themselves.

After a busy day, you retire to your guild’s library. You set to an evening of research, determined to find out more about these specialty stitches.

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Your Quest
Your quest this time around is to find a Tutorial for a type of specialty stitch you haven't tried yet.

A lot of designers like to incorporate the occasional specialty stitch in with their cross stitch patterns to really elevate a design. And we want you to help demistify some of these techniques!

If you've been putting off trying french knots or quarter stitches, that may be a good place to start.

If you've been considering a Chaetlaine design or a Just Nan pattern, you might look into Eyelets, Lazy Daisies, rhodes stitch, or even Hardanger.

If you can't find a tutorial for a specific stitch, you could also just include a pattern or design you like that happens to incorporate specialty stitches, which you would want to stitch and comes with basic instructions for the stitches.

Again, side quests do NOT need to be stitched. You're just finding and sharing some knowledge with the community. :cool:

We can't really give you a bunch of resources for this without just giving you a list of patterns to pick from. You're mainly going to be googling things or searching on social media. But to help, we've included a few examples of (free) patterns that incorporate specialty stitches as examples:
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If you did this quest back in October 2020 on the discord feel free to re-submit the link you did then, find a new one, or both!

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Re: Specialty Study


Post by Sirithre »

Example! Back in 2020 I shared this simple graph tutorial for how to do an algerian eyelet!

Both over 2 on Linen and over 1 on Aida. Super helpful!

http://withthyneedleandthread.blogspot. ... tches.html

And since I don't want to steal their photos, here's one I did myself to show which stitch I'm talking about:
11_AlgerianAglet.jpg (99.68 KiB) Viewed 18210 times
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Re: Specialty Study


Post by Lumidrell »

Rhodes Heart stitch tutorial by Faby Reilly

The cool thing about Faby's tutorials is that there's also a bunch of patterns listed that incorporate the stitch in the tutorial.
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Re: Specialty Study


Post by Mogrann »

The first link you posted is no longer good. I got an error message.

I ended up on Kitty and Me designs and found this free pattern that I liked and will probably try.

https://kittyandmedesigns.blogspot.com/ ... terns.html

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Re: Specialty Study


Post by Sirithre »

Mogrann wrote: 23 Jun 2024 13:57 The first link you posted is no longer good. I got an error message.
Yeah unfortunately the Teresa Wentzler site no longer exists as of August. :sad:
Truly the end of an era.
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Re: Specialty Study


Post by Skwishee »

I'd been most intrigued about colonial knots being mentioned in the discord as similar to french knots. I had never heard of them before, so found a tutorial to give it a go!

Colonial Knot Tutorial
Tonnau Arvodir - Circle of Beasts Enthusiast
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