A Close Companion

Quests involving designing or role-playing your character.
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Player Quest A Close Companion


Post by Sirithre »

Following that chance encounter with the wise and friendly frog, you begin pondering the benefits of an animal companion or a familiar. You return to your guild and inquire about the process for summoning your very own companion.

If you desire a familiar, you must either be a member of the Magic Guild, or approach one of the guild members and request a summoning ceremony. If it is a pet or animal companion you seek, you can simply wander into the wild and meditate until a creature approaches you and accepts you as their companion. This process is slower than summoning a familiar, and you may not be successful right away. However, the bond of trust you feel with your companion will be worth the effort.

Your Quest
If you could have an animal companion or familiar, what would it look like? Where does it come from? What does it like/dislike? Does it have a unique quirk? How did you meet your companion/familiar? As you create your animal companion imagine its backstory and give it a name. There are endless possibilities!

Write a brief description of your character’s animal companion / familiar. If creative writing isn’t your thing, try any one of the random generators online. These don’t have to be long, so don’t worry! Here’s an example from a random generator:

Type: Elemental Cat Familiar

Name: Sybil

This nearly feral wildcat has red fur with silver markings and very pale blue eyes. She is unusually large and suspiciously intelligent. She likes expensive things, exploring and chasing things, and hates humidity, competitors, and bad smells. Her favourite place to sleep is the couch. Her favourite trick is catch.

Resources Turn In
All done? Reply here with your animal companion/familiar description!

If you did this quest back in on the discord feel free to re-submit the piece you did then, a new one, or both!

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Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by SpiritPixie »

Name: Urmyln Mewes (OOR-ma-line Mew-z)

Type: Faeline (cat-kin) familiar of Pictish origin

This faeline familiar was summoned to Drae'ya when she was very young, on the morning of the first frost. Urmyln (which means frost catkin) was instantly bonded to Drae'ya. This tiny striped muse was often found perched somewhere upon Drae'ya's personage regardless of where they were or what they were doing. Others would swear that often when they passed the pair they could hear the familiar speaking back to Drae'ya. At 21 cycles, Urmyln gained her shadow form and now can be found in Drae'ya's presence in a fiesty purple pixie form.
Urmyln in her pixie form with Drae'ya
Urmyln in her pixie form with Drae'ya
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Urmyln Mewes
Urmyln Mewes
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by AstralCat »

Quest: a close companion
Type: meowl
Name: his royal highness duke flooferboots
Desc: meowls, started as a magical accident that quickly when out of hand due to the number of awww, its so cute! A meowl is a cat with an owl head or an owl with a cat head. The number of limbs/wings can vary based on the subspecies. They thrive in the same climates as cats and owls and occasionally have interbreeded with local animal populations, which produced the subspecies. The Duke enjoys naping, treats, snuggles, being pampered, and napping.
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by GothieBiovenom »

Type: Wasp
Rayvyn's deeds in their previous field of work earned them the attention of a particular goddess, Calistria.
The goddess of lust and revenge formed a bond with Rayvyn, becoming their patron.
As a devoted follower of Calistria, rayvyn has been granted a great boon, a familiar.
Rayvyn has a tattoo of wasps behind their ear, a small swarm of them leading down their neck into their clothing, but fewer people have seen the actual wasp that lives inside Rayvyn's cloak.
Named Shade for it's preference for avoiding light, this wasp is no tiny stinging insect at a foot long.
Rayvyn takes Calistria's boon seriously, and values the companionship they have with Shade. Shade likes to collect
the loose ends of thread once Rayvyn has finished stitching their imbued threads, especially the shiny metallic ones.
Gothie [They/Them]
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by Lumidrell »

Name: Kari
Type: Fox
Description: This loyal adult fox has black fur with tawny socks and violet eyes. She is above average size and not even slightly intelligent. She likes biting people and human food, and hates spicy food, being woken up and boredom. Her favourite trick is "chase tail."
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by Scayley »

Type: Dragon

Name: Nithe

A huge beautiful blue shimmering Dragon, a great and loyal
Protector. Watching over her master loyally: providing strength, courage and resilience. She can be fierce but also soothing, she is a sight to behold.
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by ClueOfTheBrokeNeedle »

Name: Kreinik
Type: Hooded Crow
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(There aren't very many bird doll makers lol but I found this one)

On the journey between home and Stitchwind, Saff met many creatures along the way. “Met” generally meant “spotted for a brief moment” but in one case, a lone hooded crow was pecking around in the grass near the path. As usual, Saff stopped to watch the creature and beckoned for the friend. As unusual, the friend was just as curious and hopped nearer, cocking its head at Saff’s coos. Remembering their ornithology, Saff took a mental inventory of their belongings as what might make a good shiny offering. Needles, scissors, and magnets are all dangerous… a needle threader! They rummaged in their pack and found a small, flat, metal needle threader and set it on the ground and took a few steps back and sat on the ground. The crow stood for a moment, then crept forward to examine the trinket, shiny in the sunlight. It grabbed the threader in its beak, looked at Saff, and flew off. Saff was satisfied that the gift was accepted and carried on.

The next day, waking up in their temporary camp, they heard scritching noises. The crow had returned and was investigating Saff’s belongings. As Saff stirred, the crow fluttered out of reach but still within view. Feigning disinterest, so as to not frighten the bird, Saff packed up and continued their journey. The crow followed Saff, disappearing for a while but always returning until they found a new hollow to make camp the next night. While sitting by the small fire, the crow carefully approached Saff and happily allowed for a couple strokes and pats. Remembering again what they knew of crows, this was strange behavior. Sure, they were known to make friends, but not in a single day. There was something special about this bird. Saff decided to name their new friend “Kreinik” and sent a hope into the universe that Kreinik would stick around. And while the bird continued to disappear for sometimes several hours, they always returned for camp time, often snuggling up on the bed roll.

Over the journey, Kreinik and Saff became best friends, with the bird riding on Saff’s shoulder, or after they had flown off for a while they returned with small bits of metal, sometimes even a copper or silver, and would take orts (especially those of their namesake) or broken spare beads to who-knows-where. Sometimes, even, Krienik would return with things that definitely should have been way too far away to go back for. There is definitely something strange with this bird.
Saffron (Saff) Marbleblossom (she/they) the halfling wizard
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by Mogrann »

I play a hunter in WoW and my always pet is a turtle named Badass and his son Speedy (non combat pet you get from a quest). I have built my hunters RP story around Badass and Speedy.
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Re: A Close Companion


Post by Skwishee »

I wrote this before seeing the Frog quest... all I can say is great minds think alike?! :wink: :surprised:
(I may or may not make myself a frog, we shall see where my distracted brain goes).

Type: Frog

Name: Sir Ribbits

Sir Ribbits is Tonnau's faithful companion. They met as Tonnau would often sit and sew by a pond after joining the Agility guild. He watched her day after day and admired her devotion to the arts. One day Tonnau seemed a bit frustrated as she sat by the pond, saying to herself 'Gosh, I'm going to need to frog this'. Sir Ribbits didn't understand all of what Tonnau was talking about but he understood two key words: 'Need? Frog?' He thought. Well, if a frog is what she needs, I can help!

He hopped out of the pond and looked up to her. In that moment as their eyes met a bond of trust was formed. Tonnau has never forgotten that day and Sir Ribbits is her literal reminder that frogging is okay. Mistakes happen and they can be fixed.

Sir Ribbits is your typical classic green frog, though he does like to believe he is in fact a bird. He is very proud of how high he can jump (take that birds!) and loves to sit on Tonnau's shoulder and watch her with whatever project she happens to be working on at that time.
Tonnau Arvodir - Circle of Beasts Enthusiast
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