Artist Studies - Dragon Dreams

Quests involving stitching or design work.
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Discord: Sirithre


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Artist Study Artist Studies - Dragon Dreams


Post by Sirithre »

With the festival season winding down, it is time to come together and develop a plan for approaching the dragon. The streets seem quiet; however, each hall is teaming with activity as guild representatives collect as much background information as possible. Each guild brings a unique perspective to the situation.

The Melee Guild develops battle strategies. They sharpen blades and battleaxes, ready to take the dragon head on.

The Agility Guild fills their quivers and tends to their bows. Resources are gathered and traps are prepared to slow the dragon.

The Magic Guild prepares a variety of spells. Healing will be used to treat those who are wounded, while illusion and explosion spells will distract the dragon.

After nights filled with Dragon Dreams, everyone gathers at the Melee Guild to share their knowledge before embarking on the journey.

Continue the Story

Your Quest
It's time once again to learn about a specific artist's style of pattern design.

This time, we'll be visiting Dragon Dreams and stitching up something from their library. The idea is to focus on the style and how the stitches work together to form the design.

Dragon Dreams’ designs focus on bringing bright colours and fantasy together in a fun, imaginative, and whimsical way.

As before, these designs will not fit everyone's style. And that's okay -- make it as a gift for a friend or family member. Or save it as a bonus in your next swap! But you can still learn from the style and tell us what, -exactly- doesn't appeal to you. ;)

They've got lots of freebies, but you're welcome to purchase a chart or pull one out of your stash to work on if you have it. They've got plenty of small designs if you don't have a lot of time this month. You do not have to FINISH the design, so it's okay to start a larger chart too if that's what speaks to you! You also don't have to use the colors they call for!


Free patterns:
DragonDreams Facebook
DragonDreams website

Paid patterns:

Other Resources:
Your guildmates! Feel free to post WIPs in your guild boards, town center, or discord and discuss your pieces and what you're learning along the way.

Turn In
All done? Reply here with a photo of your finished piece, and a sentence or two about what you learned about their style. When possible, please include a direct link to the pattern you used in case someone else would like to stitch it!

If you did this quest back in March 2021 on the discord feel free to re-submit the piece you did then, stitch a new one, or both!

MQ_AS_DragonDreams.png (3.14 KiB) Viewed 1632 times
Once you've turned in your project, please wait patiently. A council member will assign you the appropriate item soon. :)
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Posts: 31
Discord: Alannah#0636


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Re: Artist Studies - Dragon Dreams


Post by Alannahold »

Example! Back in March 2021 I made this for the quest
800px-Alannah_Dragon_Dreams.jpg (114.36 KiB) Viewed 1623 times
"2 over 1, 14ct Aida. Pattern from FB. I changed the words cos I wasn’t really feeling the original. I really like how they used the backstitch for the trailing string off the heart though I’m not as much a fan of the face. And yes I did put way to much effort into this photo taking (not really it was mostly already like that)"
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